Nail Campsite Coffee with Snow Peak’s Titanium French Press

When it comes to brewing (proper) coffee, the French Press is undoubtedly the most convenient method. Also known as the Cafetiere, the French Press is an easy ride due to its built-in filter that negates the need for paper filters during the brew. It also makes a great cup of coffee when used correctly!

Now, French Press’ are usually made with a glass jug, making them unsuitable for life on the job and/or campsite. Enter Snow Peak, with its Titanium French Press — bringing some Tony Stark vibes to your al fresco coffee game.

Made from Japanese Titanium, this concrete-cafetiere can withstand being slung in your pack every day and being dropped from time to time, all whilst looking pretty in a minimalistic build typical of Snow Peak. In true camping spirit, the handles fold away for easier packing, and the internal press is made from stainless steel so it won’t get stained by your mediocre-at-best campsite dishwashing.

Available at Hatchet Outdoor Supply for $65.